We believe
that the Holy Scriptures differ from all other books in the world in that they are the Word of God. They were written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Since they are the Word of God, they contain
no errors and are the infallible
We believe
On the basis of the Holy Scriptures the sublime article of the Holy Trinity; that is, we believe that the one true God is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe
that God has created everything that exists.
We believe
that God created man in His own image, pure and holy with free will, and that sin came into the world by the fall of the first man. Therefore, all men are born in sin and subject to the wrath of
We believe
that men are unable, through any efforts of their own, to reconcile themselves to God and thus conquer death and damnation.
We believe
that in the fullness of time the eternal Son of God was made man by assuming, from the Virgin Mary through the operation of the Holy Spirit, a human nature like ours, yet without sin. Jesus Christ is
therefore "true God and also true man." The purpose of this miracle's incarnation of the Son of God was that He
might become the Mediator between God and men, both fulfilling the divine Law and suffering and dying in the place of mankind. Christ has reconciled the whole sinful world to Himself.
We believe
that because of Jesus' death on the cross, God declares a person just or righteous and forgiven. This happens not because of human effort, but because the justification won by Jesus is applied to the
one who believes in Jesus as Savior.
We believe
that faith in Jesus is a gift of God, given by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that all the glory belongs to God.
We believe
that God comes to us by means of grace. These are the Word, Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
We believe
there is one holy Christian Church on earth, the Head of which is Christ and which is gathered, preserved and governed by Christ through the Gospel.
We believe
that Jesus will come again to take all believers to Himself. On the final day, the dead will be raised, and with the living, will be bodily transformed. The final judgment will take place and
unbelievers will go into eternal damnation and believers into eternal life.
We believe
that Christians are called to tell others that the only way of salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and to show their faith by their deeds of love towards others.